Using Docker to Test Production SSL Certificates
Sep 24, 2014
Whenever I get a shiny new SSL certificate for a production hostname I can’t help but feel some anxiety. Does the certificate have the proper intermediate chain? Does the private key match the certificate? Are the SANs correct?
With Google’s deprecation of SHA1 certificates I have several services that need to have certificates re-issued and replaced. This felt like a good time to setup a small process I could use to test these certificates prior to putting them on production.
First, I created a simple testing ground for my certificates and apps.
A root folder containing sites-enabled
and certs
Next I placed my certificate chain files and private keys in the certs
In the sites-enabled
folder I configured SSL servers for each of the certificates I was trying to test.
Here’s an example that runs http and https listeners and redirects all traffic to the https server.
With this configuration in place, I pulled down an nginx docker image.
Now I was ready to spawn a docker container referring to the configuration files:
The final piece is to test that the new certificate is working.
The easiest solution was to edit my hosts file to resolve
to the running container.
Since I’m on OSX, this will be the IP of my boot2docker VM.
Opening a browser and pointing to
will now resolve to
my boot2docker VM which maps ports 80 and 443 to the running nginx container
with the new certificates in place. I can confirm that the certificate chains are correct, the SANs are working properly all prior to deploying these certificates on production. Peace of mind acquired.